Automatic cleaning When the system is taking a long time
to work the pump automatic pump Circuit helps to protect
against bacterial grovvth.
• Remote Set: replaced with 4-20mA analog input-from
building automation. (As Standard using the pump differential
pressure, the vvater pump is available as Standard disabling
If cavitation pressure tank and remote set the desired setting
additional I / O card is used)
• SOFT RUN- SOFT-STOP There is only one drive in the system.
Always enter the Circuit is svvitched off by the driver and
the driver. According to the needs of commissioning at least
vvorked pump, pump the commissioning needs commissioned by the netvvork driver threw 2.pump. Before vvorking
with disengaged drive pump passes from the netvvork drive
vvith the pump drive load in the netvvork capture method.
• FLOW CONTROL Feature. The current system to monitor how
much vvater is consumed on the screen vvithout using a flovv
meter vvith a value of about .(pricing available for consumption)
• Excessive pressure and lovv pressure protection feature.
Difference on the set you vvant to set the settings nd close the
system is under pressure.
• PUMP START CURVE screen to vvatch. Pump catalog and
value is set by entering the pipe diameter
• AUTHORIZED PASSVVORD Feature. 3 PLC intervention to
different regions vvith different operators passvvord. Th
operatör can enter into each section. Unauthorized parties can
not intervene.
• STOP SPECIAL DAY. Public holiday, vveekend, on holidays
such as system shutdovvn and startup feature
• Pump operation to the building automation system vvith 0-1
OV output values are given as physical.
• AUTO SET option. The reduction of vvater usage, determine
the automatic set value due to increased property.
• Circulation board option at a certain frequency in the sensor
continues to vvork to stop the system or the failure.
• By backing up the pump number you vvant to backup feature
allovvs co-operation by including aging.
6 pump system should be old vvives 3 backup only if the pump
is maximum 3 vvorking.
• Pump active-passive option. Çare vvas taken not turn on the
pump system.
• Foreign languages. (Turkish-English-German-Russian)
• 100 past failure to follovv the on-screen in real time.
• Automatic PLC + driver, including 11 kW direct manual
pressure svvitch vvith on-off svvitch orstar-delta starting 15kW
and above should start (Soft starter is optional)
• Panels made of hair coated RAL 7035 povvder-coated double
IP55 protected.
• All outputs are fireproof-flame does not get connected vvith
spring terminals.
• BMS dry contact outputs to be included is optional.
• The panels are CE certified.
• If there is built-in Ethernet or internet in the panel
WEB server feature allows remote monitoring and control
can be viewed without extra charges.
• Thanks to an application downloaded from the market to the smartphone
The system can be monitored remotely.
• Pumps in the system, as many spare parts requested by the user
and can be operated with redundancy. This
In the case of spouse aging feature continues. System normal
operation is not affected.
• History 100 error based on date and time
It is shown.
• The number of opening and closing in the last hour
can be tracked by. This period of 1 hour if the user wishes
• PLC with 3.8 inch 2 lines, 12 column color touch graphic display.
(5.7 inch optional)
• Quick Commissioning Menu Feature.
• Modbus integration to the building automation system.
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